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Old 11-18-2007, 01:15 PM   #1084
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Sorry to hear bout that D.
All the best.

Sorry also to post the most selfish of selfish posts following it.

Mid-afternoon HM said he was cooking a roast this evening if I was interested.
I hemmed and hawwed and realised the size of the roasts in the freezer he must already have started defrosting and there would be a right waste if I said no now, and also he probably felt he was treating me.

Well I had already decided to restrict my diet today after having loaded nachos last night. Was going to have smoked salmon offcuts (+cheap) with cracked wheat and raw veg. And tomorrow!

Anyway, I said yes and feigned enthusiam. But it's about four hours since. He hasn't asked how much I want re potatoes or any roast veg. I've already said in conversation I like my lamb pink. I said I'd have a small roast but no indication he hasn't already started the veg (I hope so, he knows I eat before 19.00 preferably).

I'm sorry - I come across as the bitch queen from hell, but I like to know what's coming. I'll be very grateful to his face - and indeed I am - I'd just have preferred some consultation.

Sorry again for venting - I kow I am lucky.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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