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Old 11-14-2007, 03:22 PM   #22
Captain of Jelly
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Wgtn, NZ
Posts: 62
I kinda wonder if I’m ‘that guy’. The hypo-chondriac who cries ‘wolf’ every time he feels a twinge. Kinda.

The truth is I haven’t. I’ve not cried ‘wolf’ about these chest pains before, and this is the first time I’ve been to the doctor, for me, in about 12 years… regarding this. Blood was taken, as I’ve mentioned. Tests were done.

Everything in my blood is normal. Except the lipids. Indicating a high-ish cholesteral. Not dangerous, but on the low end of high. So I would surmise that if I ran my blood through a strainer I should be able to remove the lipids and everything would be okay.

Over the last week I’ve had that pressure in my chest perhaps a dozen times. Sometimes it’s like a dull presence. Other times it can be quite sharp. And everytime I think “ooh, crap, this is it. I’m about to keel over rather embarassingly in front of all these people, probably piss my pants and vomit a thin stream of half-digested risotto.”

Although it hasn’t gotten as bad as that one moment last week when my left arm stung. Seriously stung. And my fingers went numb… but that’s so far in the past that it’s starting to feel like it didn’t happen. And now a little niggle in the back of my head is saying “pfft, get over it you twat.”

Life goes on.

Until it doesn’t.
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