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Old 11-08-2007, 04:23 PM   #85
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Actually I did look at it again and considered clarifying, but it's an "I Can't Believe I just Ate..." thread not, "SG's MeMeMe Thread About Diet" - trying to save you all the pain!

I exaggerated basically. But I would back away so fast from anything that had those nutritional values I'd leave skidmarks in the supermarket.

I eat approx 1000, sometimes up to 1500 cals a day, depending on appetite and what I have prepared. For example if it's all veggie it will be lower than if I've used Quorn (fake chicken or beef soya protein)

I eat up to approx 30g fat a day. I do not deliberately keep it this low, but in order to eat more I'd be forcing myself to eat, which is counter-productive. Most of what I eat is pulses - mixed to help ensure protein, vegetables, fruit and semi-skimmed milk. I use olive oil for cooking, a little cheese and low fat blended butter on toast or bagels. I am never hungry, I occasionally indulge with a bag of pretzels, fried chicken, a McDonalds, a chocolate bar, but I am healthy and sane. Except right now I am craving cheese fondue. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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