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Old 11-07-2007, 08:17 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
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November 7, 2007: Marriage rocks

A nice entry by a blog called deputydog, titled "these rocks rock", this was number one on the hit list. According to the photo's Flickr page,
Nestled against the shoreline near the seaside resort of Futami-ga-Ura, the dramatically picturesque "husband and wife" rocks can be found silhouetted against the background of the deep blue Pacific Coast waters of Japan.

Known in the Japanese language as Meoto Iwa, these rocks have a religious, mythological and popular significance. They are connected with Shime Nawa, a straw rope made of intertwined rice stalks. The rope is symbolic and never used as a bridge. The husband-and-wife rocks celebrate the union of man and woman and the sanctity of the union between husband and wife in the Shinto belief of the people of Japan.
deputydog points out the really amazing part: the rope connecting the rocks (the shimenawa) weighs over a ton and is replaced throughout the year during various ceremonies.

The rocks are not politically correct, however, because they diminish the relative size of the woman, to the measure that she appears a bit dog-collared.
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