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Old 11-06-2007, 12:06 AM   #275
Your Bartender
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philly Burbs, PA
Posts: 7,651
Heh. When my daughter had just finished kindergarten, we were signing her up for a summer day camp. There was a small mountain of paperwork to complete, and one of items was a list of camp rules that we were supposed to go over with the kid. So I dutifully sat her down and explained "Listen to the counselors", "Don't steal stuff from other kids", etc. Then: "Swearing will not be tolerated." "Dad? What does swearing mean?" "Ummm well, swearing is when you say bad words you're not supposed to say." "Oh. <pause> Well, I guess that includes swear word fingers too." And she pointed her middle finger straight at me. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or to explain that tradition demnaded a vertical presentation.
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