Thread: Stupid People
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Old 11-05-2007, 10:55 PM   #23
That's some bad hat, Harry.
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Ohio
Posts: 83
I feel so INCREDIBLY stupid....

I've been caught weak by just about every story mentioned in this thread so far. Car broke down with kids (in my case it was grandkids, and I gave the man my jumper cables, 5 cigarettes, and the whole $1.62 in my wallet), a woman trying to get "home." Once I even "loaned" a woman $80 for a tow truck. Oh yea, I'm a sucker for a sob story; maybe because I've been the subject of a few (though never enough to ask strangers for money). I also pledge to most of the Police/Fire/EMT solicitors that call, although that is seeding, so a different situation.

I've also been out of it enough to have a similar experience as the one wth the creamer caraffe, and stretching across to hold the door. Oh yea, I have my moments.

As to the smartass who was nervy enough to ask for more than you gave... at that point I may very well have taken the dollar back and walked away. Asking is one thing - demanding is another. Bitch.
There is no smoking on this flight, but you can light up whatever you like once we land in Jamaica.
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