Thread: Roommate issues
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Old 11-02-2007, 11:39 AM   #7
Master of hand to mouth living
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Tulsa, Okla
Posts: 189
I waited a bit to post this to see if he would relapse, but I think we have a solution.

Basically, I went up to him and said, "Put yourself in my position..." And explained everything that has been going on since he moved in. I let him know that given the choices that he was giving me that we would either have to figure something out or he would have to leave.

Since then, we've budgeted everything where we're both paying things equally, he's helping me around the house and he set up a payment plan to pay me back for the time I was supporting him. Meanwhile, he's been a lot more pleasant to be around and I got an apology.

I'm usually not optimistic, but I think we fixed this. Thanks, folks.
When you're low it's either wave that flag or stand there empty-handed. -- Achewood
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