Thread: Eating Sheep
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Old 10-31-2007, 05:22 PM   #112
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Processed meat will do you far more harm than red meat, and [processed] is a recent diet staple.

I also know from family history as well as what I learned in history lessons that meat used to be very expensive and was eaten sparingly by the majority of the population. Back in the days when the rich ate almost exclusively meat (Tudor times for example) the life expectancy was much lower.

I posted the link pretty much as a joke, but I do believe people should eat meat in moderation. That's the key to a healthy life - everything in moderation. I wouldn't recoil from a bacon sandwich as if it was death between two slices of bread, but I am meat free 5 days out of every week - partly financial, but I feel better for it.
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