Thread: Workkin' Out!
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Old 10-28-2007, 09:36 PM   #79
Captain of Jelly
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Wgtn, NZ
Posts: 62
I've been hitting the gym every Tuesday and Thursday evening since last Wednesday (today is Monday). 45 minutes on the treadmill, running/waddling solidly at around 5km/h and sweating like a big fat guy walking way too fast and way too far for him to deal with.

I'd love to go do some weights, but I'm too intimidated by all the big guys with muscle. That and I suspect I need someone to help me by the time I've finished my third repetition and my muscles have collapsed.

Actually, I'm not as big as I've made out; I used to body-build before my daughter was born (Following the Dorian Yates "Lift big to get big" ideal), but my chest has slipped down somewhere under my belt and I'd like to lift it back up. The problem is when I lifted it was all free-weight work and I had a mate spotting me back in the day because the amounts I was lifting were huge - I could only manage three or four really slow reps.

Any advice on finding someone to spot?
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