Thread: San Diego fires
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Old 10-23-2007, 09:32 PM   #11
It just needs a minor
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: kitty corner from where I grew up
Posts: 48
BAD Fires around, evacuated , back home now...

This started Sunday Noon, about 20 miles NE. dry desert winds blowing at 20-50 mph, blowing the fire through the unincorporated town of Ramona, into the high rent outer districts NE of San Diego. meanwhile, several others, one along the border, others north to riverside county, its bad in every direction

We got the reverse 911 call at 2:00pm yesterday, the news and radio media have been all over things, they have done an extraordinary job of getting realtime information out. lessons learned from 4 years ago when 350 houses in our neighborhood burned down. The fact that it burned though here so recently acts as a safety buffer for us, but the city was taking no chances with the fast unpredictable winds. we spent the night with three cats in carriers, papers, overnight bags and laptops in the local grocery store parking lot. everything was closed, the police were not letting people back in once they left. They released us at 12 noon. otherwise 90 degrees, blue (smoke filled) skies. No humidity. less than 8%, the dew point is between -2 and 8 degrees.

The back of a Ford explorer is not kind to a 51 year old body. Next time we'll pack camping pads.

And, we do plan on a next time.

there are 300 thousand + evacuated, and seeking shelter in the community, and the city, towns, businesses and churches are really stepping up. the co-ordination is superb, let's see it they can sustain it.

we're not convinced we might not have to bolt again, they have evacuated some of the rural areas due east.

500+ local houses so far burned, some people we know are effected. many more over the region, and they have no control over most of it yet, it's too massive and fast moving.

we are ok, and should stay so, but there are many many people in extreme distress and disruption. The prayers of your choosing (not a habit for me, except at times like this) would help give them the strength to get through this.

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