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Old 10-23-2007, 07:38 AM   #37
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 21,206
I can't resist:

Yes, I've been lurking. I watch you guys beat the shit out of each other all the time. And here, after all this time, you're dragging me in.

I love the hatred toward "how I left." Let me remind you that I have not blamed anyone (Jinx, in your infinite wisdom I am sure that's what you meant in your post...that I have somehow implied to anyone that YOU were the reason; again, many of you think too much of yourself) and I apologized to those people I was into it with before I left (and we see what that meant to them, how forgiving and caring you can be.) I'm sorry some of you felt it was "childish" or that I "self-destructed" but you do not know anything. I guess if I came on here and whined constantly about my state of mental health I would get all kinds of sympathy and support, because many of you love those who are weak, who you can control. That is one satisfaction you may not have from me. The pain I am going through is something I am struggling to work through; though I have eluded to it, I find it difficult to ask for help. But this is not the correct tack, so it seems.

In reality, there are some great people here. In reality, many of you are cruel and heartless and can't see beyond your own agenda.

To those who say they've missed me, thank you. I miss this place too. I miss many of you. I do still giggle at some of the antics, and I feel a hole in my life, but my state of mental health, though it might not fit what some of you believe to be acceptable duress, does not allow for me to keep letting myself get hurt (see, I took responsibility for letting it happen to myself; I do not need to be reminded that I am flawed, esp by people I have grown to like.)

Say all you want, I really don't give a fuck, but I couldn't let this go by without saying "Ha fucking Ha you still can't get me out of your tiny little heads." For me, poetic justice at its finest. (Well, there goes the false bravado again, trying to cover up hurt feelings with fake strength, another flaw that does not fit into acceptable.)

btw, taking my pictures away was stupid, but I thought I'd free up some bandwidth while I was at it.


Last edited by Shawnee123; 10-23-2007 at 08:06 AM. Reason: to clarify, though I'll wait for teh screen shot
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