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Old 04-15-2003, 04:52 PM   #4
Chris MC
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: I moved down to Southampton on the central South Coast in 1967
Posts: 101
If I do that Ike, I won't be able to post it to the forum. There are limits to the size of image that can be posted here 100k and/or 1600x1600 pixels only.

I could post at a higher quality but the physical size would be smaller.

"It's people who don't come to places like this that I worry about. The ones who don't have an outlet. Say ... someone like yourself."
"Oh, I have outlets. I read. I study bugs. I sometimes even ride roller coasters."
"And your sex life?"
"It doesn't involve going to the theater."
"In my experience, Mr. Grissom, some men go to the theater ... some men are the theater."
-- Lady Heather and Gil Grissom (Slaves of Las Vegas)
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