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Old 04-11-2003, 06:18 AM   #65
Wiseacre Emeritus
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 35
Originally posted by Elspode

War sucks, we all known it. Now, can we discuss the need for the action and not the results? Or at least, can we discuss the possible long term benefits instead of the immediate carnage?
Of course that's the "quid" of the question. The Gulf War I was horrible too, sucks too (none's saying other thing) All wars sucks, yes. But I have some questions about it:

1.- We yet knew in 1991 Saddam was a dictator, and its regime was killing a lot of inocent people in Iraq... Taken your reasons, if we declared war to Iraq in 1991, and didn't stop in Kuwait border, then we have avoided a thousand lifes. Then why dind't we act into Iraq at that time?

2.- Rigth now in Cuba, Castro is condemning to inocent people to go prision, only because they don't think like him (well, I now it's no so simple, but this is the way I can explain in my bad English). Then, why we don't atack Cuba?

3.- Like Cuba there are a lot of dictatorship all around the world: Arabia Saudi, China (country which regime killed more than 1,000 persons in 2000), Pakistan, Sierra Leona, etc... Are we declaring war to them? Are we going to do it?

Off it, I'm interessting to knwo what do you think about Spanish President, José María Aznar.
Peace is the one and only way
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