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Old 04-10-2003, 07:40 PM   #13
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 375
Originally posted by juju

This statement is also false. For example, what about the potato famine in Ireland?
The statement is not false. The world does produce enough food on a daily basis to feed its entire population, and have surpluss. I guess you've never heard of the US goverment buying huge crops of wheat and just warehousing them because to allow them to be sold would "ruin our wheat economy"? The fact remains, the world does produce ample food to distribute to everyone. They just choose not to.

Note, I did not say each country produces enough food. I said the world produces enough food to feed its population.

I've seen the above statement/topic quoted many times, though I cannot find the exact link I was looking for. According to here , and here there will be ample food.

Like I said, the only thing keeping people starving, is lack of actual distribution. I'm to believe sanctions have nothing at all to do with this?

Back to the topic at hand. By "evil" I mean exactly, what evil has Iraq done to the rest of the world? Seriously, the "reason" we invaded was because they had "weapons of mass destruction", right?

Go back to the beginning. The original intent was not to "liberate the people of Iraq". It was to kill Saddam because we didn't supposedly didn't like his big guns. It had nothing at all to do with liberating his country.

When the war started, it was not to help is people. This is just one of those "added bonuses" that we can now use as a banner to carry to get us support from the world and the American people. You're fooling yourself if you believe otherwise. Again, like I said, go back to the "original reason" for the war.

We invaded because we didn't like what the UN inspectors weren't finding.

And like I said, Iraq has done what evil with their WOMD in the last decade? Oh, that's right, nothing.

I never said there weren't evil people in Iraq. I never said they treated their people nicely. I was using the original context of the invasion of Iraq. We invaded because we didn't like their allaged big guns.

Back to my original post: How would you like it if the world (or any given country) invaded us because they didn't like our guns? That is the whole cause of the war. That is the stated cause or reason for invading. We didn't like that they said they had none. We decided they did. We went in to find them. Now we're supposedly liberating their people.

I'm wrong here how?

My original hypothetical also stands. What we're doing to Iraq is the same as if some one else had bigger guns, and decided to tell us what to do. It's that simple.

As per someone mentioning that "people like you Quzah are why the US doesn't get invaded" ... What?

The reason we don't get invaded is because we do have the biggest WOMD. It has nothing to do with me sitting around voicing my opinion on the war. People don't not invade because they don't like my opinion. That's absurd.

Understand the context of my post and you'll understand the post.

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