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Old 10-08-2007, 10:28 PM   #39
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Location: Savannah, Georgia
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Originally Posted by vivant View Post
Lay it all out - I'm curious to hear more.

If an immunization is worth having, how protective can it be if you're still at enough risk to worry about contracting a communicable disease?

I'm sincerely interested in understanding how one can have faith in immunizations, but still believe society is at-risk from the minority few who opt not to immunize.
Very simple. Not all of them will protect you 100% of the time. It is a risk benefit ratio. But the more people that do not get them, such as you seem to advocate, the more people are at risk, the more at risk, the more prevalent the disease becomes, the more people die from it or are severely disabled which eventually costs society through health care costs, time lost from work, the list goes on. Disease and illness through communicable disease is not a good thing for any organized groups of people living in community with each other.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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