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Old 10-08-2007, 10:12 PM   #34
New Kid in School
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 25
Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
Nope, there's no herd mentality. You may think you're the only person capable of making an informed decision, but you're not. You'll have to get over that one in your own time.

you take your pot luck with your children and just thank god you live in a society where these diseases are not prevalent due to the dilligence of people with more sense.

That's all I've got to say on this thread. I think I've made my point very clear.

Perhaps there is a cultural issue at bay here - if so, allow me to clarify:

The phrase Herd Mentality is not a direct insult on you or on anyone who disagrees with me. I've been clear from the get-go that I'm not out to change anyone's mind, and I've stated that we all do what we think is best for our respective families.

Herd Mentality is a common phrase in biology (and I thought socially, though maybe just in the US?) used to describe the theory you support (among other theories). Namely, that the "herd" (society) works as a whole, so that to keep the "herd" safe from disease, the entire "herd" must be immunized against said disease. Re-read what I said, with that in mind.

I have no need to attack people for what they believe. I'm perfectly comfortable with my choices in life; I don't need validation from faceless internet personalities or the illusion of numbers on "my side" to pump me up. I extend that same respect to others BECAUSE I know that I'm not the only person capable of making an informed decision. I'll thank God for that good sense
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