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Old 09-27-2001, 09:29 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
the becoming - nine inch nails - the downward spiral -- this was the first song that i really felt. i would listen to it, and it just had this effect on me. it still does. there's a lot of pain in this song... a lot of pain becoming strength... and that's happened to me a lot through life... i still use "becoming" as a handle most places, and i probably will for some time to come. it means a lot to me, and it's changed my life...

smells like teen spirit - nirvana - nevermind -- from the ages of probably 4 until 8, all i listened to was classical music. when i was 8, i moved up to deep creek lake, md., and began a new life (so much changes when you're young and move)... we had mtv up there, and i'd watch it... nothing really stood out, except one night at three in the morning, i saw it... and it sparked my musical change... i went the next day and asked my older friend (i was 8, he was 12) whether or not he had it. he did, and gave me that and another tape to copy - metallica's ...and justice for all... and that did it... i branched out in a big way... my musical interests changed forever... nine inch nails, faith no more, metallica, nirvana... later tool... heavier music... all but threw classical away...

fur elise - beethoven -- as i said above, when i was young, all i would listen to was classical music... and that changed for a long time... but one day, in 1996, i was browsing some websites and one started playing a bad midi of fur elise... i knew instantly what it was, though i hadn't heard it in the longest time... it re-sparked my interest in classical music... i started buying up classical cds like hotcakes and listening to them over and over... and re-found my love of some of the greatest music ever created... i still listen to a healthy amount of classical...
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