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Old 10-03-2007, 01:31 AM   #1
learner of things
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 39
Building a computer from scratch

So I really want to make a computer. I don't know why...but I just have the urge to CREATE something. My tech level is pretty average though...I mean I can hook cables and components and stuff and I know how computers "work" but when it comes to BIOS and configuring it I wouldn't know what to do.

My questions are...

1. How do you get started? What order do you buy your components(your mobo your case your CPU)? I can't really buy everything at the same time (i'm a student).

2. How do I keep my costs down?

3. Anything else I should be aware of when getting started.

Thanks for the help!
"It's not freedom if you have to join the majority in order to feel that you are free."

-Paul Woodruff
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