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Old 04-09-2003, 01:04 PM   #16
Wiseacre Emeritus
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 35
Originally posted by sycamore

--You cited that 91% of your population is against the war, without providing a source. Hopefully, you do not put too much stock in those polls, as polls can be misleading.
question # 19, (20.8 + 70.0= 90.8%)
Go down until read “Ataque a Irak” and the read #1: El 94% de los españoles, en contra de un ataque a Irak. Cerca del 80% no respaldaría la intervención aunque tuviera el respaldo de la ONU (translate: 94% Sapanish population against the war in Iraq. About 80% are against the military operation even with U.N.O. support)

I’m a lawyer and I’ve read the N.U. resolutions, all them. My interpretation is that the war is absolutly illegal. But most of all I’m afraid this war will bring us more September 11th’s and I don’t want it. I hate terrorism. We in Spain have been suffered for 25 years and still suffer terrorist strikes from a terrorist group called ETA and by all this years we have observed that our own violence can’t stop ETA. I think there is no way to stop terrorism for all but education and politness (well, as John said, “you may say I’m a dreamer”... but I know I’m not the only one). I’d rather be gullible and believe that another world is possible and do as much as I can, as be in my hand to make the world a better place.

By other way the N.U. Inspectors have said that in the last month, before the war started, Iraq was begining to destroy its weapons of mass destruction, so why suddenly such a hurry? I’ve already read an interview to Hans Blix (in Spanish newspaper “El Pais”) and Blix said: “We could have taken control to the threat of Saddam with the inspections”. By the way, where are the weapons of mass destruction?

I really think we could have avoided the war.
Peace is the one and only way
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