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Old 09-24-2007, 05:03 PM   #25
Lady Sidhe
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Originally Posted by DucksNuts View Post

I believe it is the right of the parents to have all the tests they can afford.


It can also be seriously traumatic to have something like this thrust upon you at birth, rather than having months to come to terms with it.

I would prefer pregnant couples have all the information at hand and be able to make informed decisions that is best for them, whether that be to terminate or mentally prepare themselves for the journey they will be embarking.

I agree with this. In some cases, genetic screening can change a child's life. A friend of mine found out that he and his wife were having a child with spina bifida. Because it was caught early, they were able to correct it in utero. Then there are children who are, say, hydroencephalatic. They're going to die, usually soon after birth. I wouldn't want my child to have a few hours of misery just to satisfy someone else's idea of morality.

Some people can deal with extreme birth defects. Some can't, for whatever reason: emotional, financial, whatever. Personally I don't like the use of abortion as birth control; I think adoption is a better choice. But I think that couples should have all the information they can get, for exactly the above reason: so that they can mentally prepare themselves to deal with it, or decide whether or not to choose another option.
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