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Old 09-24-2007, 04:49 AM   #37
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
I always thought my parents did it tough.

Well, they did....I have 3 older siblings (I am the baby by 9 years) and there is not even a year between each of them. Dad was a farm hand, Mum was a SAHM and used to help cook for shearers etc.

When we moved into the *city*, Mum started working full time and I guess things got better, but I wouldnt of known it.

It appears my parents were very frugal, I lacked a lot of niceties, but not necessities. They always paid their bills in advance and there was always money if we needed it. They owned their house and land quite quickly.

Mum never impulse bought and I was never treated to anything when we were out shopping. She made my school uniforms and special occasion outfits.

When I wanted my first horse, I had to earnthe cash by milking the neighboring farms cows and raising poddie calves.

I didnt have a saddle until I could afford to buy it, well, actually....a rich Uncle helped there.

My parents still act like they do it tough, but I help out enough with their finances to know they are very comfortable and I admire them for the way they live.

Has it influenced the way I live now? Not me, but I see it in my youngest brother...hes very much a hoarder and frugal type person.
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