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Old 09-22-2007, 12:20 AM   #469
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423

Do you know when they disappeared in the US? Late 80s? Late 70s?

I do remember the glass bottles in machines but not that tiny.

Clodfobble -

We are less than a mile away from the Global city which is the richest part of the Philippines. The streets are wide, the buildings are new and modern, there are nice parks with green grass in them.

These are also the only parts of the Phils here that I've had the local law enforcement forbid me to take photos.

Maybe I can get some decent pics being very discreet with the camera.

This is not the part of the city that I like to spend time in anyway. If you are white and in the Global city it is assumed that you are filthy rich, are here in the Phils for business and or generally don't care about what's going on outside the limits of this rich area

For the events...

There are many photos of us and our inlaws but we don't post them. Some are very funny.

For instance, my father in law is 77 years old and is suffering from Parkinson's disease. He was a man that liked to drink and sing in his younger days but now he mostly watches TV.

Two days ago a relative had a birthday party in back [yard] of the main house. There were 5 people drinking beer and eating pork. Inside the house they could be heard talking and laughing.

While we all were not paying much attention, my FIL snuck out back to sit and drink with the party goers.

As I came out to check on the beer level I saw him sitting in his chair just a ways away from the action.

I asked him if he wanted some vodka and he smiled big and nodded yes.

He sat in his chair with a big grin drinking the imported vodka and I took several photos of him. He's not allowed to have booze nowdays but not because of reaction to medication, because of worry for his safety when he is tipsy.

I took the photos of the party and my FIL and later downloaded them into the laptop.

They were so funny that we both laughed out loud. The funny photo could have had a thought balloon over his head that says..

"That's right, I'm drinking booze....and you can kiss my ass, I'm having fun!"

Those are the sorts of pictures that we don't post here.
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