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Old 09-18-2007, 12:42 PM   #172
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I deal with people every day that have some wealth and think that it gives them all kinds of entitlements
the fact that you follow this with:
Generality. You really shouldn't lump people together like that. I'll accept that have heard that. I think there are aother reasons, as well.
is pretty humorous. I make a statement about the wealthy people i work with and you call it a generality. Mind you that my job is to ask all the really personal pertinent questions about money, goals, and motivations. But you say you deal with wealthy people and they feel like they are entitled to something. sounds like a generalization to me. maybe even a little hypocritical.

But more importantly it doesn't change the fact that you have established some level of "enough" and anyone who sets themselves to the task of accumulating more than that is deemed to be a glutton. But you can't be pinned down to actually define what "enough" is.

You sound like the sniveling little kid in the corner who is angry that someone has nicer shoes than him. The kid with the nicer shoes must be a self centered asshole or he wouldn't have nicer shoes than you.
Right between $59,999.99 and $60,000.01.
cute. another person who is either too arrogant or too afraid to answer someone else's question.
People who have enough and continue to accumulate wealth are part of the reason there's as much poverty as there is.
How exactly do you figure that? If a homebuilder builds enough homes in the first 5 months of the year to pay his bills, what should he do for the other 7 months? Shut down the business and go home, he wouldn't want to be gluttonous after all. Screw the guys who he provides jobs for, Mr Homebuilder has "enough". Or should he just give all of the profits to the employees? That seems reasonable. He'll continue taking all the risks of being in business and just give anything over "enough" to the employees.

They are part of the reason that welfare rolls are as high as they are, and part of the reason your taxes are high.
BS. Companies that grow add jobs, they also tend to reward those people at the top with more than "enough". That's the way it works. Make profit, reap reward. Companies who quit growing soon have to start cutting jobs.
They are also part of the reason that America's middle class is disappearing.
wow. have you thought of running for office? you've got the rhetoric and the buzz words. now can you tell me what it means? How do you define the middle class? is it an annual income amount? is it a certain number of toys quotient? what is it?

answer a question with something quantifiable please.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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