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Old 09-16-2007, 01:49 PM   #127
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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So then if we were able to offer every kid the same highschool education and loan opportunities for college, that would be perfect equality. Equal opportunity, then it's up to the individual to use it.

That's not important, if his labor is 50x more valuable to the success of the company then 1 worker, then he deserves 50x the pay in order to retain him.
If the other workers weren't there, would the company still prosper? He may be more difficult to replace than other workers and therefore more money is paid to retain him, but in order for the company to prosper it needs people to do all the necessary jobs. A wristwatch may have more expensive components than the battery, but if it that £1.50 battery goes flat the watch stops working. The battery is as important (more so?) than the gold strap holding the watch onto your wrist.
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