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Old 09-13-2007, 05:28 PM   #234
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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I would say I have absolutely no faith and not only that-no proof that the judicial system works. Excuse me, I mis-spoke, it only works for a small segment of the population...who it was fashioned to protect.
I have a similar orientation to the way my country deals with asylum. It really doesn't take a lot of interraction with the asylum and appeals process to see that system is fundamentally and desperately flawed, and geared primarily to the denial of asylum. I'm not going to go into the details of why because i would just end up in a three page rant. But even the stuff that's put there to safeguard and provide for them during their wait (given it's ilegal for them to work) is deeply, and deliberately problematic. But most importantly, the bare faced denial of proof that in the judicial system would be considered sound, as a mechanism for denying asylum, just robs me of any faith in the system as a means of identifying refugees (the planet's most vulnerable group). And the routine use of fear as a way of keeping them off balance. I am deeply shamed by the way my country treats those who run to us. I've verged into a rant there...I'll try to contain it. I know for a fact that many asylum seekers are mentally and sometimes physically brutalised by the system they have to navigate. Far too many.

I get the impression, despite the raging arguments over illegal Mexican immigrants, that the USA does not treat refugees and desperate strangers so shamefully as my country does. Am I right or wrong in that impression?

Last edited by DanaC; 09-13-2007 at 05:36 PM.
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