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Old 09-13-2007, 03:24 PM   #228
9th Engineer
Bioengineer and aspiring lawer
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Pittsburgh
Posts: 872
An opportunity and a realistic opportunity are much different things.
Explain why you think most people in the prison system have no 'realistic' chance of normalcy. I originally said most, you haven't clarified further yet.

So you realize that the fault is within society and not the individual?
Hells no, absolutely not. The individual must always be responsible for his or her actions, if that were to change then I could tie the Constitution and Bill of Rights into knots three ways to sunday.

judge an individual without any idea of the pressures to make the decision that he or she made
I have no ability to empathize or to even have knowledge of a group I'm not a member of? That doesn't fly in other discussions, and it doesn't fly here either. I can empathize with a great deal of many problems people face. If I see a man charged with assault after walking in on the other man sleeping with his wife, I can empathize with the pain and rage that he was feeling.

Just because you have something doesn't mean they are even close to its highest potential.
Now we're sitting in limbo land. There's no way to pursue that unless you say why they're not effective right now. If it was because of your two previous statements then we've reached a conclusion. You say that the prison system cannot perform its ideal function until two of the largest and most embedded problems in society are fixed, and I agree with you. I believe that we can make improvements on the current system in the meantime, and I'm sure you'd probably agree to that as well.
The most valuable renewable resource is stupidity.
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