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Old 09-13-2007, 01:47 PM   #93
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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A place that is built with a barrier to a specific group of people is an ENTIRELY different thing... it is not only the SAME as the Jim Crow signs stating "Whites Only" it is worse because a black or Asian could CHOOSE to ignore the sign and enter the establishment anyway, as they did during the civil rights (for able-bodied only) fight.
Ohhh.....I are more discriminated against than African Americans under Jim Crow laws. Okay.

It is humiliating and frustrating because there is NO reason for it and NO excuse for it.
You are absolutely right there is no excuse for it.

I certainly wouldn't expect any store to stop selling peanut products, nor would I shut down private businesses that chose to allow smoking. I just took issue with the idea that the people who suffer with the life threatening conditions we've spoken of in this thread, are presented with a choice that is in reality no choice and may have a different perspective; one which does not deserve to be dismissed out of hand.
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