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Old 09-13-2007, 10:59 AM   #42
~~Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.~~
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Gosh. In this deeply fractured society, it is now an option to believe that the other side is not just incorrect, not just wrong, not even just stupid, but actually broken.

Believe what you want. And then get ready for the twister.

We can't survive like this. We can't function like this. We can't live our lives believing that everybody else is a broken, sick fuck. It's not gonna work. We can't educate our children, we can't defend ourselves from enemies, we can't help the unfortunate.

Yesterday we had a study showing that almost all adult men avoid lost, crying children in malls. Why: they expect they will be charged with being a pedophile.

We simply can't go on like this. It won't end well.

The people who believe differently than you are perfectly normal people. Someday, you may need to ask them for help. What will be the result? Will they help you? Someday, they may ask you for help. Will you help them?

How are we going to come together? Especially if there comes a time when we really need to?
Thoughts like these tend to fly right under our level of awarness to even put them into words. I am impressed. Painful truths are mostly stuffed and we go on our way apathetic because we don't know how to change it. Especially as older people die out the younger people won't know there was even a difference?

Perhaps those old movies and shows that seem lame to young folk now will become social a social commentary one day. The'll be studied in college just to get a glimpse of social norms that are not in practice any longer?

good thoughts UT.
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