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Old 09-12-2007, 05:52 PM   #34
Makes some feel uncomfortable
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Originally Posted by lookout123 View Post
I don't believe I'm all that special, so I don't believe I'm the only person who tries to take care of the people around me. All that I'm aware of falls under what I consider my responsibility. So if I do that, and you take care of those you can help around you, and bruce helps those around him, and UT... see where I'm going here?

I'm not saying we should trash the safety net programs, I'm just saying that we don't need a government program to be big brother for every damn thing.
Emphasis mine. How many poor black families are you around, and do you help them? I'm just saying that we tend to live with people who are like ourselves, and we help people who our like ourselves. I'm guilty of the same thing. A couple of years ago, our community made a huge effort and investment (all donations) to build a new athletic field for ourselves. This is a municipality that already had 5 or 6 fields for the lily-white middle class suburban kids to use . The folks involved would have died rather than give another "handout to the N***ers in Chester" (the nearest urban / minority area).
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