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Old 09-11-2007, 11:39 AM   #15
Looking forward to open mic night.
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Bah- when we were doing evacuations, rescue, and donation banks for Katrina victims I saw die-hard fundamentalist right-wingers bend over backwards for the less fortunate. Silent donations of private evacuation planes, buses, whole houses, and cars. We aren't so different. Except they wanted to mask their identities (sometimes), which I found kind of odd.
I was charmed. Renewed my faith in everyone...despite what I previously thought about a segment of the population......I was wowed by what people did despite their political backgrounds. Cicero- of so little faith and cynicism- was put to rights by a small measurement called proof. Yeah-they did something different than they are used to doing, and very well I might add. Not only did they adapt quickly -they kicked some ass.....I was shocked...but happily so.
"You want to donate what?!?" "You are going to to do what?!?"

Well I'll be damned if I didn't see some uptight rich republican white folk go rescue poor black families out of Louisiana theirselves in little Cessna's. Their only requested profile? Make sure the family is small enough that they can fit in the damned thing. Was that illegal at the time? Yes..... Did I let them know that? Yes. Did they care? No. That wasn't the only thing they did sticking their necks out either. They kicked butts with everyone else.

Apparently they too cannot watch Americans die in the matter what background......

Look it's another cicero anecdote. Who is suprised? Don't ask me what people are going to do when they need to help each other- I've seen it happen. And quicker than CrAZy. Maybe you need to ask yourself because my illusions have been abolished from my reality about that. By the burden of proof.
Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.- Carl Jung

Last edited by Cicero; 09-11-2007 at 11:44 AM.
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