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Old 09-06-2007, 05:45 PM   #51
Hypercharismatic Telepathical Knight
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
You can not expect a theory that needs a different personal philosophy to succeed in the first try, and communism isn't the only leftist socio-economic theory, there are many different variations.
Good point, eh? How long did simple democracy take? The magna carta is heralded as the first democratic contract (even if it was mostly lords getting more power for themselves), but what about the greek cities? How about Rome's attempts? It's been several hundred years by some guages, a couple thousand by others, and I would still argue that we haven't gotten simple democracy right. So the 2 or 3 major countries that tried communism didn't last really means nothing about it's 'plausibility.'

Ask a nobleman a few hundred years ago if the populace was up to ruling themselves, I bet he would have said something like "Oh, they can't be trusted to rule them selves, they can't ignore their simple nature." Socialism is just one more step in human evolution, if you ask me.

Also, ask yourself how much of the distaste you have for communism comes from it being the west's 'enemy' for so long...
Hoocha, hoocha, hoocha... lobster.
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