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Old 09-06-2007, 02:23 PM   #14
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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Originally Posted by jinx View Post
You're more than little off here. Homeopathy suggests that a body can normally take care of itself, but in cases where it cannot, giving it a substance with the same "vibrations" as those which are causing the problem, will spur the body into action.
Where "vibration" is defined as "having once been in contact with a molecule that was once in contact with a molecule, etc. etc., that was once in contact with a molecule of a substance that in sufficient dose might cause similar symptoms".

Giving homeopathic remedies to kids or pets works when they are suffering from something that would go away by itself anyway. In those cases, the placebo effect is on you, when you attribute any change in behavior to the bottled water you gave them.

Even if you believe in "vibrations", at the dilution levels that they use, every molecule of water on Earth has already picked up "vibrations" from every possible substance on Earth before the preparation process begins. Drinking a glass of tap water would cure all diseases.
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