Thread: Al-Jazeera
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Old 03-29-2003, 05:39 AM   #11
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Originally posted by wolf
I can get that from the NY Times ... why go elsewhere?
Anyone who does not preach the party line must be the enemy. Party line is that everything is going just on schedule. Start feeling just like you were back in VietNam again - the famous five o'clock follies.

Lt Gen Wallace admits they did not war game for this kind of battle. Of course not because they were told the Iraqi people wanted to be liberated. Where are all these liberated people? Attacking their liberators with car bombs.

Oh, says Washington. They must be forced to do this. Clearly Saddam's people must be forcing Iraqis to fight so viciously. Bull. But when publications such as the NY Times note these facts, then NY Times must be the enemy. Just as they were the enemy in VietNam. Guess what. The enemy in VietNam were the publications that blindly preached lies. International press is noting this. Reporters more trust Baghdad for the truth than Washington because history teaches them who had been telling the truth. Not Washington.

This administration so screw up the battle plan - so manipulated good strategy to be politically acceptable - that now US forces are on the defensive everywhere AND probably cannot start any serious offensive action for at least two weeks. The entire invasion has bogged down. Lt Gen Wallace was correct to say this is not the type of war we war gamed for. So now Washington is rebuking even Gen Wallace - for telling the truth - just like the NY Times.

When Rumsfeld and George Jr are your bosses, then you don't tell the truth. Telling the truth that is contrary to the party line makes one anti-American.

Situation has gotten so bad in Iraq that US and British troops are even being kidnapped. Recent suspected kidnappings were of 4 Marines and some British soldiers. Marines have been told to abandon the invasion of Al Kut and retreat. Yes retreat. Does this make the world super power look invincible? Of course not. Even Shock and Awe was a lie. It inspires every Arab to join a Jihad against the evil empire. Allah is on their side if they take up arms against evil. Evil is George Jr who lies - cannot even admit the invasion is in trouble and will be that way for some weeks.

Everyone in the five o'clock follies who had any basic military knowledge knew the US government was lying. Anyone with basic military knowledge knows this invasion is not going to plan. Every offensive force is now on the defensive permitting the Iraqis to reinforce, mine and do whatever else they need do to kill more Anglo American soldiers when the invasion restarts. This invasion is in trouble because of the civilians in this administration who micromanaged (like an MBA) this entire war. Civilians who would now question the loyalty of anyone who - as it turns out - tells the truth.

This lying is playing out loudly in the international press. Even the BBC is broadcasting details of the battle of Stallingrad. Why? Throughout the world, the press has discovered the Iraqis are more honest than the George Jr admininstration. Duhhhh. That was obvious long ago when this administration made up obviously silly stories about aluminum tubes and links to Al Qaeda.

This battle is not going to plan. Soldiers were told to take seven to ten days of rations with them because this war was suppose to be that quick. Now some units are now on reduced rations - one meal a day - and told to ration their use of ammunition. Civilian attacks and other intentional obstructions means that it takes five days round trip for a truck to supply 3rd Army. Washington 'experts' did not provide enough logical units because this war was suppose to be over in two weeks. Mental midgets micromanaged the battleplan. Mental midgets 'assumed' that all Iraqis want to be liberated. Mental midegets more trusted their extremist rhetoric rather than notice - No Smoking Gun.

Now we must double the attacking force in Iraq AND the logistical force will not be expanded because we don't have sufficient transport material to do both. 2nd Armored Calvary is being rushed into battle. Units from Europe and even in the Horn of Africa on anti-terrorism missions is being dispatched to an emergency situation in Iraq. To properly increase the military force to what is required AND to increase the logistical force means months. And since myopic Washington is still convinced the Iraqi people want to be liberated, then the logiistical force will only be moderately increased. Just like in VietNam, administration officals lie because they 'assume' their "cause is righteous" rather than first learn the facts. "Cause is righteous" means religious fanatics rather than military men were making the plans.

Guess what folks. It is even worse than I had estimated. Even the Shia don't want to be liberated. I never figured that. This war is in trouble because we unilaterally attacked another soveirgn nations without even a Smoking Gun. And so the administraton now lies saying that everything is going to plan. Only a dumb ass would believe that. Which only inspires the world to join in attacks on America. America lies. America is now being considered as untruthful as George Jr. Listen to the world press.

We are doomed to repeat history as defined even in the Pentagon Papers. People who knew reality were rebuked because this administraton knew "their cause was righteous". We did not even wait for a smoking gun! We attacked Iraq because God is alway on America's side - because "our cause was righteous" - and therefore that was enough to attack a nation that no one feared. George Jr is lying about righteous. He is lying when he says this war is on schedule. He is lying just like Nixon lied in VietNam. Lie because the truth is untenable.

We should win this war. But as Greenspan noted, this war will result in an economic downturn. So like the NY Times, even Greenspam is being called anti-American. The enemy is among us. He is telling the truth!
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