Thread: My Iowa Commute
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Old 09-04-2007, 05:38 PM   #160
Only looks like a disaster tourist
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The horses in the first picture are spoiled - they have lots of room, and they get blankets in the winter. The horses across the road are in a little lot that turns to mud after the first snow.

The water in the foreground is the creek that the road follows.

The second picture is a better view of the creek - which was a roaring rapid this summer. You can see I'm risking death to get this picture, as the shoulder is only about 8 inches wide. If I lost my balance and fell to the left I'd get my head run over. If I fell to the right I'd be smashed upon the rocks.

The road has no line in this section because drivers don't know how to keep their BUTs (big ugly trucks) within their lanes, which eventually erases the line. The line has since been replaced, and a rumple strip placed along the center of most of the road.
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