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Old 08-06-2007, 10:08 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
White privilege, what a joke. I did not get a scholarship I was the most qualified for at Yale (yeah, someone there told me, she was pissed about it), wanna' know why, because I was white.
You might want to check out the percentages of Asians in Ivy League colleges before shooting your pie hole off about "White Privilege".
You also might want to check out the average Asian's yearly income, then yak some.
In fact, look at ANY of the numbers then open your mouth... but, then you might not.
I also had to wait for two people to get a promotion before me that were less educated, had less experience and were less qualified for the position and my boss told me that it was because of their race/sex.
Guess what, people did not respect them and it harms their race... they walked past their office to my cube to get things done right, a shining example of "White Privilege" that... they get the salary and management makes me do the work, Yay whitey!
Asians eat dogs, the French and some Germans eat horses... so what?
It is not prejudice, fact...sure not all but those are the one's who do it.
Not a race issue, it is a cultural issue.
I have no issue with it, if I went to a restaurant an someone told me the dog was the best thing on the menu I would eat it.
It is true, there IS NO difference between a dog and a pig or cow, both make good pets and are both, probably, equally delicious.
People gotta' separate their emotions from their intellect, that includes you and this fucked-up imaginary race thing you have going on.
BTW, Asians, as a minority deserve everything they get, culturally on-average, education is very important and they make sacrifices that most families could not IMAGINE in their wildest dreams to get their kids ahead and the kids do the same to deserve it... that is not racism... it is a cultural norm.
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