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Old 07-21-2007, 10:08 PM   #6
Fresh Incumbent
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: A little nowhere town in New York
Posts: 28
Ok ok I know that cats dont always go in the litter box. If we wait to long to change the litter box, the 2 that we have now will let us know by leaving a little gift somewhere in the house. My point was that they have the option to go in the litter box and most of the time they do, unlike dogs where you have to let them out every time they need to go.

And to monster...your comment made me laugh and you are right. And I just have a really big heart for animals...maybe I should just go work in an animal shelter. I've never understood how someone can "hate" dogs or cats. to explain whyyou hate animals so much?
forever is mine.
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