Thread: Censorship, Yo
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Old 07-17-2007, 07:59 PM   #19
It's a fiendishly complex anagram of my name, Kevin.
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Florence, South Carolina
Posts: 25
Holy crap. If you don't want your kid to listen to a radio station that don't let your kid listen to said radio station. Is this guy going to call every producer who has released an R or N17 rated movie and tell them they're sick and disgusting?

And I think censorship has gotten too exaggerated anyway. When you can't say "pills", "gun", or "four-four" in songs then you know it's gotten out of hand. "S---", "f---", and various sexual references should be blocked but everything else inevitably will be heard by a child at some point. If the kids don't hear it on the radio or at the movies or on TV then they're gonna hear it at school, no matter what. Even the private Christian schools have kids who cuss as much, if not more, than a public school.

Shielding your child from what they'll inevitably hear doesn't do anything but make them mad.
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