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Old 07-14-2007, 02:35 PM   #40
Uisge Beatha
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 945
Originally Posted by Sheldonrs
And hopefully we can try to make places like that better so this won't happen again.
Indeed, we need to clean up many such situations. In this, I agree with Bullitt; the U.S. has to improve the public education system as one means toward the goal.

Originally Posted by Cicero
What makes you think that woman and her son don't deserve revenge? I think they do.
Oh, but we aren't speaking literally and we are too "civilized" to know our a** from our elbow.
I think your initial reaction was the honest one until you intellectualized it to make your self feel better.
I'm afraid it just isn't that simple, at least not for me. In fact, I have a very small insight into some of the horror of that family. My marriage fell apart a few years ago largely because of emotional problems my wife has. The woman that I still love (despite lousy things that happened between us) was molested by her own uncle when she was six years old. Needless to say, this affected her deeply and scarred her for life. When I first heard about this, my stomach almost emptied itself and I thought I would kill her uncle if I ever met him. She somehow has found enough of a way to deal with it to at least keep herself from violence and convince me to do likewise. This is definitley not the same thing as being that woman or her child, yet I do know the feeling of rage and dealing with it.

I previously said I favor locking up the attackers. Most likely this should be for life, without chance of parole. I still can't agree with more violence, however. It has to stop somewhere.
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