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Old 09-14-2001, 11:56 AM   #3
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Join Date: Sep 2001
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Posts: 6
i agree w/ vsp

first i wanna say dont criticize my spelling, i know how to spell i just choose not to cuz its easier, shorter or im just used to it this way, so if u have a problem w/ my spelling, too damn bad.

the disasters did not effect me in any way...i do feel very sadly for all those who lost their lives and family members but i personally didnt lose anyone or anything.

i completely feel the same way about the symbolism and also the newfound respect everyone has for each other...2 weeks ago everyone was still being assholes to each other and not giving 2 shits what happens. now all of a sudden we get a plane through a few buildings everything changes, everyone decides they are now this big patriotic person and gets all the red white and blue shit. well lets put it this way...wen i was younger i used to be very patriotic, that was wen i was ignorant and still young and innocent. now that im older(16), i realize how much a crock of shit this country is (no offense to anyone who likes it...specially vsp but thats my feelings). i am an anarchist and yes am glad that wut happend to the pentagon happend. im not as glad about the fact that it happend to the wtc but the pentagon i was cheering about. sorry to those who lost family or friends, but the pentagon deserved it.

like vsp said, running out and buying all the flags and shit is gonna help the people up there how. if u really care about ur country or the people who are trying to help, fuck the colors, fuck the flags and enough w/ the bullshit...go help someone, donate blood or at least fuckin send the money u woulda bought shit w/ to the people who need it for everything thats goin on.

also the fact that arabs are now being attacked in our country, ya they did it to us, but it doesnt mean that every arab, dark, indian, or middle east person is affiliated w/ them. (im white by the way). hearing that arabs in our country are being killed or beat upon simply cuz there not like you is horrible. you become just as ignorant and pig-headed as those who did this to us by doing something like that...wut point does it prove? ill tell proves jack fuck off...leave them alone and let them go about their business.

and wuts the deal w/ fuckin religious war? thats an oxymoron. how can 2 peoples fight over a god and land. you dont need land to worship god. land and god are 2 separate things that one does not rely on the other.

i feel that it is also pathetic that it takes something this size to bring our country together and stand up. and we are standing up in hate, in anger, and maybe in pain. the pain is understandable. but if u dont have any family or friends that were effected by this then you should not be sayin lets level them all. this just goes to show how fucked up this country and society is even more.

i continue to be an anarchist and just cuz its nat'l red white and blue day doesnt mean im not gonna wear my anarchy shirt to skool cuz its against this country. ya i know it is thats why im wearin it. should i all of a sudden change my beleifs cuz we were attacked and will probably go to war (which by the way i am against anyway cuz it will solve absolutely nuttin so thats more of a reason i will not like this country)? no i am still an anarchist and i will continue to beleive wut i beleive and i feel that anyone who has a problem w/ the fact that im not jumping on the fuckin patriotic band wagon and flyin our countrys shit around like its a magic cure to the worlds problems cuz we got hit by some tan dumbass w/ a knife then they can all stick it up their ass.

also tracking down bin laden and killing him is useless...cuz anyone who has people workin for him, has an assistant who is just as heartless, cold, and fucked up in the head. so bin laden dies ok then wut, then they come after us some more cuz we killed their leader, just like u would all be wantin to go more after them if bush was killed. and frankly i think bush is a cocksucker too. and if he dies i wont be surprised...its his own fault as well as those that ignored the warning of the attack 3 weeks ago.

i have nothing but sympathy for those who lost their lives and families and friends...but nothing as well for those who did not take heed and prevent this from happening, nothing for those who willingly beat on arab-americans simply for being arab(if i find anyone who is beating on someone simply cuz of the way they look then i will do some beating of my own upon the person who is so cold and closed-minded and thick headed to realize that they are people just like u and me...and tehy live in this fuckin country...maybe they do support it or maybe they dont...but the fact is...u dont beat on someone for something like i leave with a good luck to those helping the survivors and the clean up crews and a simple but big


to our government leaders, assholes of the world, people who criticize me and others for beleifs different from theirs, and all the hypocrites who so seriously call themselves men of god and then go and wage war on a nation, on a people, while every second god watches over all of us.


Last edited by tattooedmind; 09-14-2001 at 12:10 PM.
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