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Old 03-04-2003, 12:00 AM   #29
to live and die in LA
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Los Angeles
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You seem like the this guy I know who starts stomping his feet like Rumplestiltskin cause you said something he doesn't like. I could sit here and argue with you till we're both blue in the face, but I doubt you'd listen to what I have to say.
Spinz, I'm not picking on you. I've stated my arguments, forcefully and cogently. I'm not here to make you feel good about your opinions, I'm here to challenge them. If they are reasonable, they will stand. If they are not, then the mere holding of them grants them no intrinsic value.

What I object to is that the right of free speech is somehow abjured by those who's opinions are argued against. My engaging you in free speech does not negate your exercise thereof. My disagrement with the content of your free speech does not negate your right to express it.

Likewise, your exercise of free speech does not consecrate the content therein; your thoughts must compete in the marketplace of ideas, and must do so without the protected status of "victimized" when they encounter opposition.

Think well, speak freely. I will always and fervently defend your right to do the latter. I will always and fervently insist that you do the former.

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