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Old 06-16-2007, 11:44 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
I'm Able To READ AGAIN!!!

The book took me two days. A very long time for me.
I don't know if I've adjusted to the meds, gotten used to the pain, or both, sufficiently
But I've finally gotten my faculties back to a point to where I can concentrate, retain, focus enough to where I can maintain my train of thought and remember what I am doing well enough to read fiction again.
I cannot tell you how HUGE this is for me.
I used to read at least one or two books a day.
To lose such a large part of my life, such an enormous source of comfort, escape, such a large part of who I AM is indescribable.
Equally indescribable is having it back.
I don't know how long I have been able to read again... honestly I have been too afraid to try.
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