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Old 06-16-2007, 08:36 AM   #8
Major Inhabitant
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 124
Right now, I have a bandage high on my forehead. I could have used flesh colored paper tape, but used the white that was handy. Now I'm thinking of taking my dog to the dog beach, but wondering if I should wear a hat or change the bandage to something less obvious. I don't care much about people staring generally, but I think I would train my dog to sic if people annoy me too much today.

Yesterday, a kid visiting at the neighbor's house borrowed a junk bike from me. I took my dog out later. Quiet cul-de-sac, no leash on a border collie cross golden of advanced years. Pepperoncini perked up when she saw our bike and a strange kid. The kid dropped the bike in the middle of the circle and ran into their open garage. It really pissed me off that a ten or twelve year old kid did not know how to behave safely around a dog. My dog is fine. She's never bitten anyone, but she is overly protective for good cause. She could have killed that kid if she was just any dog. My biggest problem there is lack of personal responsibility on the part of the parents raising that kid. You take a kid like that, bring him down to the islands and he behaves like that and he'll be losing a chunk of his leg. Forget the Caribbean, that could happen in some neighborhoods and rural areas around here. So what planet did those parents grow up on? Did they pass their parenting classes? Oh yeah, you don't need to prove you have enough smarts to have a kid, you just do it.
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