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Old 03-03-2003, 01:13 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
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French underclass girls routinely raped and brutalized

As we have previously seen, an underclass of girls, this time in France, is objectified through rapes and beatings as radical Islam moves in. One girl who refused to be raped was doused with gas and burned to death. Girls in French suburbs are terrified.

The obvious response of using force to prevent attacks, and becoming intolerant of a obviously fucked-up culture is nowhere to be found in the article. It's just not the European way. Instead, they have sociologists on the case:

"It's a vicious circle. Boys are getting more and more macho and girls, who prefer gentleness and sensitivity, reject that," [one sociologist] said. "The boys get frustrated and sex attacks happen. Making a stand will help change things, but it won't be overnight."

Note the passive voice "sex attacks happen." Yeah, according to this guy, they just happen. There isn't any cultural connection, because sociologists are trained to look for that kind of thing and this guy hasn't found one. It's just a matter of preferences.

Note how the girls are considered partially responsible.

And now you'll have to excuse me, as I'm going to vomit.
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