Thread: Is it over?
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Old 06-15-2007, 03:01 PM   #80
polaroid of perfection
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Anonymous, Bruce is completely right.
Think carefully when he comes crying to get you back - and you know he will.

If you continue in this situation you will have no right to complain.
This is how he is - he had the chance to "reform" when this came up last year. We said he wouldn't change and he didn't. No amount of "I'm sorry"s and "I love you"s are going to change the bottom line - THIS IS WHAT HE DOES.

I don't mean that to explain/ excuse his behaviour. I think that was your problem the first time round - you wanted to ask us why he was doing it. It doesn't matter why when you get right down to it. What matters is that it hurts you, and it is a reasonable thing to be hurt about. If you can't change to accept his sexual behaviour - and there is no reason you should - then he will keep hurting you.

Write it off.
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