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Old 03-02-2003, 12:36 AM   #6
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Originally posted by Undertoad
And all because Turkey wants to yank itself towards being driven by Islam. Not a win by any stretch.
Rubbish. Turkey is not trying to become more Islamic. Turkish Deputies are saying same as everyone else in the world. They don't like being ordered what to do by the US (meaning George Jr). Just another example of how badly George Jr has undermined international relations. Turkey, like Germany, Canada, and South Korea, were some of America's best friends. All those relations have been made the worst since WWII because of George Jr. Irresponsible decrees such as this need to attack Saddam for no logical reason - no smoking gun - is only straining US relations with virtually every nation in the world.

The world does not dislike Americans. They both dislike and distrust George Jr. This pre-emption doctrine - based in part upon some silly religious nonsense that America is always in the right - has the world very disturbed and uneasy. George Jr is why Turkey's Parliament could not vote as the US demanded. George Jr is why most every close American friend is suffering worst relations in 50 years. Even with $30billion in US payments to a country that needs that money, still, Turkey could not go along with George Jr's demands. The problem is not Turkey. The problem is George Jr and those who would support this mental midget president.

Murat Mercan of the Turkish Parliament: "The Americans dictated to us. It became a business negotiation, not something between friends. It disgusted me."

Only months in office and George Jr was quickly undermining relations with American allies. Norwegian Foreign Minister publically declared that George Jr would undermine the Oslo Accords. We now know that Foreign Minister was correct. But George Jr did not stop there. He has so corrupted international relations that even Turkey can no longer support this administration. Problem is not Turkey. Problems are directly traceable to this mental midget president and those who would support him.

Turkey is not trying to become more Islamic. George Jr has simply alienated another closest friend.
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