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Old 06-08-2007, 03:39 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
What I want is for there to be less personal insults in this place.

I know RK considers me a mean busybody for saying I wasn't a fan of the amount and content of Cloud's threads (am quite over that btw) but it's not like I made any personal comments about her when discussing it.

It all seems to be about hitting people where it hurts right now, using personal details that people have posted in good faith. I accept I'm probably over-sensitive and it doesn't bother the people involved half as much as it would bother me, but I still think it's a bad direction to head down.

One of the main (out of many) reasons that I can't stay away from this place is the sense of community. At this precise moment in time I am closer to people on here than I am to anyone I see on a regular basis. A grim situation I know - but my real friends are scattered countrywide and all I have are work colleagues, who are nice but aren't on my wavelength. I used to be confident that I could post anything on here, and most posters would accept that this was information given in trust, not to batter me with at a future date.

Even something as simple as posting a picture is something I didn't think I would ever do online - even looking my best. But I've felt an almost delirious sense of freedom in posting pictures, without make-up, double chins on display and my ptosis clearly showing. Seriously - I credit this place for the fact I can even mention it online. Now that people are making personal comments based on other people's photos/ bodies/ lifestyles I'm wondering whether it's something I should do again. The issue is mine of course - I lack self esteem and therefore cope badly with perceived rejection. But regardless of blame, I have to admit to myself that perhaps I am in the wrong place if I can't toughen up - and I so want this to be the right place because I love it here.

I suppose I can't have it both ways. I can't have a place where I can be totally open about sensitive issues ie a place where I can be myself and write anything, if I don't mentally accept that everyone on here is equally entitled to be themselves and write anything.

Intelligent insults I can handle. Personal insults stick in my craw.

I know what you are talking about. I used to be able to be able to discuss my illness in here. It helped a great deal, it would help a LOT now for multiple reasons.
But, those were before the days of my stalker.
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