Thread: Wha'd I miss?
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Old 06-07-2007, 08:04 PM   #1
To shreds, you say?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: in the house and on the street-how many, many feet we meet!
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Wha'd I miss?

I have been working like a manic depressive off his meds surfing a 6 week mania high. The house is sided on three sides (the 4th has yet to be removed) and just as I finished up in time for the bank appraiser I discovered a huge toilet leaking problem due to the previous owner's bizarre ideas about what constitutes subflooring. after going to bare floor joists I replaced all the subfloor and and figured what the hell, in for a penny in for a pound and I tiled the floor. Tomorrow is grouting day, then I'll replace the toilet. In the meantime, Mrs. foot is under strict orders to ignore any signs that might indicate labor. (any day now we'll have a mrs. foot junior)

I miss you guys, I've had no time to go to the library, especially since the comuters are right next to the circulation desk and the head librarian (yes, the one with the dirty knees) likes to chat up a storm with me or any one at on of the two terminals.

I am at a friend's house tonight ostensibly checking my email and placing an order with the coop.


oh yeah, the more things change the more they stay the same, I checked in with dwellar nsfw 2007 first and saw about 167 posts complaining about how come there weren't any pics of LJ's taint, a nipple out of context, a jade gate also out of context, and about seveteen pics of some guy's schvantz, interspersed with commetns about "how come I can't see the pic?" and no
one got it together to make a crack about not having a magnifying glass...
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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