Thread: Cellar Dreamin'
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Old 06-04-2007, 04:43 AM   #36
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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I had another LJ dream this weekend. This was the weirdest one yet. Bear with me because the dream went through a couple of changes.

Brianna made a cake for the Cellar and iced it to look like Lumberjim's belly. It was hairy and had a belly button on the side (not sure why, perhaps to make it look like he was standing up?)

Now for some reason it was at my house, and I was laughing and joking with other Dwellars about how I wasn't going to bring it in (we all seemed to work together) but was going to eat it all myself. The website was more like an open window than the real version, so I was clowning around, pretending to lick the belly, and everyone could see me.

Then it shifted and the cake was actually mine, and I was only talking to Brianna and Lumberjim. I wanted to carry on the innuendo, but the truth was I really wasn't hungry, and the idea of taking even a bite of the cake frankly revolted me. I knew if either of them saw me pulling a face while eating they would be really offended, so I went all coy and said I'd leave it until I was on my own.

At that point it shifted again, and it turned out that in fact it was a representation of LJ's real belly, done with skin grafts and clones and electrodes and things. I know - but it made sense in the dream. Anyway, if I touched the belly in front of me, LJ would feel it on his real belly. I was delighted with the potential for naughtiness, and was trying to work out the time difference in order to cause maximum embarrassment... And then I woke up.

(Elements in this dream include a current Skoda advert where they make a car out of cake, the IoTD of the "skin" shoe, Bri posting about cake making and LJ trying to lose some weight)
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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