Thread: Suicide
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Old 02-25-2003, 06:50 AM   #14
still says videotape
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 26,813
Suicidal thoughts were an almost constant companion during my teenage years. There was no rational basis for them, by almost any yardstick I had a good home-life etc... As I got to my late teens early twenties my moods began to separate a bit. I'd have a shorter more intense depression rather than what seems now to have been a constant cloud during my mid-teen years. At some point, I decided that I would never kill myself. I decided that if my life were not worth living, I'd just change lives. I doubt that approach would work for folks with deeper depression than I had, but it was good enough for me, back then. I used to savor my darker times, resisting angrily anyone trying to pull me out of it. As you might guess, it was hell on my love life, I really feel bad about the relationships that got the axe, for no apparent reason.

My wife was able to ride out my ugly times, which lead me to a deeper appreciation of her. I've made it my mission not to live a life which reinforces the dark clouds. It has gotten a lot better especially with the addition of more careful diet and exercise, and occasional reflection on my blessings.
take care,

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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