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Old 06-01-2007, 06:24 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by duck_duck View Post
You are the richest nation in the world and you want me to believe you can't afford to stop invaders?? hahaha Perhaps use the money that is wasted on them in social services to pay for it.

People who enter any nation without permission are invaders. And when you let invaders protest in your streets is stupid and lazy on the part of your government.
Your mistake: what you call invaders are the same people who contribute so much to the American economy. That also applies to other parts of the world such as Northern Italy. What you call invaders are really a rich source of responsible workers.

What happens when illegal immigrants are rounded up and deported? That region goes recessionary. The illegals being a very important and productive part of that economy. But then these are facts as even documented in Nebraska and upstate NY.

Again, the most productive people in any nation are its third generation immigrants. Illegal or legal does not matter. They are only illegal because American immigration laws are being promoted by the same fools who also insist Saddam had WMDs. They are even using the same logic.

Those immigrants - and those many student we have now drive from America using the same 'we fear them all' reasoning - are a major source of American wealth and productivity.

Those you call invaders are also some of the best workers in America. Apparently you have been listening to 'loud and vocal' extremists rather than listen to quiet logic from moderates. Those are the misguided one who claim illegal use the social services. They do not due to risks of being caught. Heavy users of social services tend to be the lazier citizens who instead it is their right - responsibility be damned.
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